
Kommen Sie zu unserem Sommerfest für alle Doktorandinnen und Postdoktorandinnen in Hessen. Große Grillparty in einer Villa mit Garten in Frankfurt. Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken, wenn Sie sich mit anderen aktiven Mentees, ehemaligen Mentees, die heute in Industrie und Wissenschaft arbeiten und Professorinnen und Professoren austauschen.
Wann und wo? Freitag, 11. Juli, 17 Uhr bis 21 Uhr, Universität Frankfurt, Gästehaus Frauenlobstraße 1, 60487 Frankfurt/ Main.
Lesen Sie weiter oder melden Sie sich an, noch bis zum 3. Juli! (Daten der Schulferien in Frankreich)

Vortrag Modler
Anders als die meisten Frauen setzen viele Männer Sprache und Gestik als Machtinstrument und Mittel für Revierverhalten ein. Diesen Machtdemonstrationen begegnet Frau am besten mit Arroganz – nicht als Haltung, sondern als Werkzeug. Seine erstaunlichen Erkenntnisse zeigt der Unternehmensberater, Buchautor und Coach Dr. Peter Modler am 16. Juli 2024 ab 17 Uhr mit Hilfe vieler Beispiele, in dem typische Situationen aus dem Berufsleben auf der Bühne nachgestellt werden.
Lesen Sie weiter oder melden Sie sich an!

Schirmherrschaft für SciMento-hessenweit Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung

SciMento Mentoring

Hier werden Sie über die Ziele, die Wirkung, die Methode und Geschichte von SciMento informiert. Wenn Sie mehr über uns erfahren möchten, finden Sie auf dieser Seite unsere aktuelle Broschüre.


Den eigenen Weg in der Wissenschaft finden. Nach wie vor entscheiden sich deutlich weniger Frauen als Männer für eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft oder in wissenschaftsassoziierten Bereichen. Spätestens nach der Promotion verlassen viele Frauen die Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen, die dadurch den Hochschulen, der Wissenschaft und der universitären Forschung verloren gehen. Daraus resultiert ein stark ungleiches Geschlechterverhältnis in der Professorenschaft ebenso wie in vielen Bereichen des Wissenschaftsmanagements. Mentoring ist ein bewährtes Konzept für einen effizienten Erfahrungsaustausch, der den Mentees neue Einsichten und Perspektiven eröffnet und ihnen dadurch eine größere Handlungssicherheit vermittelt. Ziel von SciMento-hessenweit ist es deshalb, Frauen an dem entscheidenden Punkt ihrer Laufbahn – während und kurz nach ihrer Promotionsphase – abzuholen und ihnen genau die Unterstützung zu bieten, die sie benötigen, um sich für eine weitere wissenschaftliche oder wissenschaftsnahe Karriere zu entscheiden. Das Gruppenmentoring SciMento-hessenweit bietet den Teilnehmerinnen die Möglichkeit ihre persönlichen, strategischen und fachlichen Kompetenzen zu stärken und sie für Strukturen, Prozesse und (in)formelle Spielregeln zu sensibilisieren. Daneben wird den Mentees dabei geholfen, Strategien und Ziele für die eigene Karriereentwicklung zu definieren und ihre Management- und Führungskompetenzen zu verbessern. Last but not least bietet SciMento-hessenweit einen Ansatzpunkt, um sich in der Scientific Community zu vernetzen. Auch die Mentorinnen und Mentoren lernen die spezifische Situation von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen besser kennen. Denn sie sind im Mentoring nicht in ihrer üblichen Rolle als Fachbetreuer/in und “Chefin/Chef”, sondern als erfahrene/r Ratgeber/in hinsichtlich karriererelevanter Fragestellungen gefragt. Für beide Seiten ist das Mentoring ein Prozess aus dem sie „verwandelt“ hervorgehen.


Have a look at our new brochure!

Here you can download our brochure as pdf, to get an overview who we are and what we do.

Brochure PDF-Download

Project Steering Group

Project Steering Group

Prof. Dr. Petra Döll
Institut für Physische Geographie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Ritva Tikkanen
Biochemisches Institut
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina
Mathematik und Informatik
Philipps-Universität Marburg

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klug
Chemie und Biologie
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Prof. Dr. Christina Berger, emeritiert
TU Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Herberg
Uni Kassel

Dr. Astrid Franzke
Projektkoordinatorin ProProfessur

Dr. Anja Wolde
Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Sprecherin der Landeskonferenz der hessischen Hochschulfrauenbeauftragten

Scientific Advisory Committee

The associated scientific advisory committee of SciMento and ProProfessur

The aim of SciMento-hessenweit and ProProfessur is to significantly increase the percentage of women in high positions within academia as professors and holding other managerial jobs. To secure the success of the projects, a scientific advisory committee supports the work of both projects in the capacity of a strategic and conceptual advisory committee.

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel (until 2021)
Project leader of medieval history

Prof. Dr. Barbara Drossel
Theoretical physicist at the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Darmstadt
Project leader in the area of statistical physics and complex systems

Prof. Dr. Anita Engels
Sociologist at the University of Hamburg
Principal Investigator and member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Excellence Cluster ‘Integrated Climate Systems Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)’
Managing director of the Centre for Globalization and Governance

Dr. Astrid Franzke
Project leader of ProProfessur

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jahn
Director and scientific member of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina
Mathematician at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Phillips University of Marburg
Project ‘Numerical optimization’
Member of the SciMento project steering group

Prof. Dr. Helma Lutz
Sociologist with a focus on gender studies at the University of Frankfurt
Vice dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Frankfurt (2019 to 2021)

Prof. Dr. Anna Starzinki-Powitz
Dean of the Faculty of Bioscience
Leader of ‘Human genetics for biologists’ at the Faculty of Bioscience at the Goethe University of Frankfurt
Initiator and program leader of SciMento-hessenweit

Prof. Dr. Ritva Tikkanen
Biochemist and molecular biologist in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Giessen
Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster ‘Makromolekulare Komplexe’ in Frankfurt

SciMento Team

Prof. Dr. Anna Starzinski-Powitz
Project Leadership and Academic Counselor
Department of Bioscience
Goethe-university Frankfurt

Dr. Gitta Victoria Brüschke
Associate Project Leadership and Managing Director
069-798 49442

Claudia Miebach
069-798 49441

Mara Kastein
Scientific Assistant and PhD candidate
069-798 49443


Hier finden Sie alle Workshops und Veranstaltungen von SciMento-hessenweit, die für 2024 geplant sind. Bei einer Vielzahl an hochkarätigen Workshops können Sie je nach persönlichem Bedürfnis ihre Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen erweitern und vertiefen. Das Workshop-Angebot umfasst karriererelevante Themen wie beispielsweise Zeit- und Projektmanagement, work-life-balance, Erfolgreich Leiten und Führen, Professionell sich selbst und die eigene Forschung präsentieren und Workshops zu klarer Kommunikation, die auch auf genderspezifische Unterschiede eingehen. Daneben finden Sie hier auch unsere Programmveranstaltungen.


Hier finden Sie alle unsere Workshops und Rahmenveranstaltungen in einer praktischen Übersicht. Wenn Sie das Jahresprogramm ausdrucken möchten, können Sie es hier im pdf-Format herunterladen:

Jahresprogramm PDF-download


Here you will find all our workshops in chronological order. These workshops are of highest quality and provide great potential for personal advancement. The workshops have different lengths, most of them lasting for two days. The number of attendees at each workshop is limited to 12. Places are reserved in the order in which payment and the signed registration form are received. There is a registration fee of 30€ per workshop. If you would like to attend, although you aren’t a mentee, please register first of all for our new SciMento Network. Besides the possibility of attendance the Network membership offers you a lot of other benefits.

To register for a workshop please fill in our registration form. You will receive a reservation email with all the payment terms. After receipt of your payment you will receive an email confirming your booking. You can cancel at any time. If you cancel up to two weeks before the workshop we will reimburse your registration fee. And now have fun at one or more of our valuable workshops and networking with other mentees.

D 14 Self-confidence and Assertiveness (1.5 days)

Thursday 8 May 1pm-5.30pm / Friday 9 May, 2024, 10am-5.30pm (Watch out: different times)
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs who would like to find ways to improve their confidence
Trainer: Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi,
Aims: This workshop aims to provide you with a solid overview of your expert, methodical, social and personal skills based on your individual life profile. By means of a one-to-one exchange with a partner who acts open-mindedly and appreciatively, the participants’ individual skills are objectively determined, rendering them more credible. Furthermore the individual values will be enhanced, with particular consideration being given to the future (scientific) career path of junior scientists today. The workshop will benefit you by raising your self-confidence and assertiveness on-the-job.
Content: The first day focuses on developing awareness of your own resources. By coaching each other, you will develop an awareness of each other’s potential. Through this shift in perspective and broadening of awareness, your scope of action may be reconsidered and broadened, thus creating space for change. On the second day you will pinpoint and formulate a self-chosen current professional goal. Your task will then be to outline how you plan to achieve this goal effectively by using the skills and capabilities mentioned in your profile. Both the opportunity and the challenge at the end of the workshop will be to presenting your goal with more confidence in front of the group. You will have the opportunity to give yourself a trial in “to let go and experiment” – in a pro-active and authentic manner – within a protected setting and without avoiding the typical female tendency of playing down your talents.
Teaching method: Group and trainer feedback together with the enriching experience of broadening of perspective throughout the whole workshop process will provide you with useful suggestions as to defining their next steps.

Feedback from participants:

“I learned a lot about myself and my external effect”
“I know, what I’ve reached so far and from now on I can behave more confidently at work and in my everyday life”

F 14 How to design scientific figures (1 day)

Friday 18 July 2024, 10am-5.30pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs who would like to know how to design scientific figures.
Trainer: Dr. Susanne Mükusch,
Aims: What is the first thing we scientists look at in scientific articles or on posters? It’s the figures.
But they are not only eye-catchers: they also convey information in a density words could never reach. Because figures are so powerful in communicating scientific data, extra care should be taken when designing them. Good design helps to create intuitively understandable figures, while bad design obscures their meaning. In this workshop you will learn basic but crucial design rules and how to apply these to your figures. This knowledge will enable you to communicate your research in the most effective way.
Content: With the help of many examples Dr. Susanne Mükusch will demonstrate what works and what doesn’t in figure design. By explaining the ways of how our brains perceive visual information, common pitfalls will be discussed and useful guidelines will be taught. Topics covered include the optimal use of color, visual layering, the use of labels and arrows as well as the appropriate choice of data representation.
These universal concepts can be transferred to all kinds of scientific figures – from maps, diagrams or plots to schematic visualizations. You can bring your own figures or, alternatively, a figure from your field. We will work with these, giving you the opportunity to apply your new theoretical knowledge directly to improve your diagrams.
Methods: You will have the opportunity to specify your needs in a questionnaire beforehand and requests will be incorporated in the workshop as much as possible. During the workshop short and interactive lectures provide the theoretical background. They alternate with exercises and group discussions. You will receive extensive feedback for your own figures from the group and the trainer.

H 14 Coach Yourself to Confidence (English) (2 days)

Thursday, August 21 and Friday August 22, 2024, 10am – 5.30pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs in all phases of their work.
Trainer: Dirk Bansch, UK,
Aims: This hands-on, interactive seminar which includes many immediately applicable techniques, inspiring ideas and fun exercises will allow you to strengthen your confidence, expand your comfort zone and create new positive habits. It is well established that most women’s self-esteem and self-confidence nosedives during their school years. Coupled with negative influences from the media and societal expectations many women’s self-confidence is lower than their male colleagues for no reason. It is important to realise that in the 21st century, the traditionally female qualities of self-awareness, empathy, listening, social skills, etc. are an asset and need to be seen as an advantage, not a detriment. According to Daniel Goleman (Author of the book: Emotional Intelligence (1996)) ‘For leadership positions, emotional intelligence competencies account for up to 85% of what sets apart outstanding managers from the average.’
Content: We will be exploring how and why we sometimes feel less confident than we would like to, and we will discover ways to have more control over our feelings and reactions. The confidence triad of emotions, self-talk, and posture will be covered, and we will also learn about our self-image, our limiting beliefs and the skill of learned optimism. We are not born with a lack of confidence, we learn it through our experiences. In this seminar, we will coach ourselves how to take back control.
Teaching method: The event is delivered in a mix of presentations, individual and group exercises and discussions.

K 14 Speaking in public for women (English) (2 days)

Thursday, September 11 and Friday, September 12, 2024, 10am–5.30 pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs who would like to improve their public performance
Trainer: Dr. Sabina Rossignoli,
Aims: Competence in public speaking is more and more relevant to our professional lives. Presentations, interviews, meetings, conference participation are daily business for many, and are often a big deal on the way up. Most people feel nervous and anxious about performing in public: “Will I earn the attention of my audience?”, “Will I be able to put my message through?” are common questions signalling insecurity and fear. In these situations, women must face additional challenges. For instance, when they speak in a mostly male audience they tend to withdraw. Public speaking is gendered and we are all caught in the gender-gap without even realizing it.
Through this workshop, we will address issues related to public speaking in order to empower female speech. We will highlight the different tendencies in gendered public speaking, and give tips and hints to become a great speaker. After this workshop, participants will be more aware of the challenges of public speaking and will become efficacious performers. This will have an instant positive impact on your career.
Content: In the first part of the workshop, we will explore general issues related to public speaking. It is important to understand when the act of speech becomes public and how the participants perceive its performance (between anxiety and self-confidence). Then, we will work with techniques in order to assess the participants’ awareness about speech, with particular attention to the social contexts of speech (from the audience to the co-speakers). In the second part of the workshop, we will explore the gender related issues of speaking because women do tend to act differently than men. In the end, we will address communication strategies aimed at empowering female speech.
Teaching method: This workshop is based on active learning. I will propose games and common situations to work with, but we will also work with examples drawn from the participants’ actual experiences of public speaking. We will employ video and audio material and be creative in our ways to approach the matter. Some moments will also be dedicated to reflection and analysis of gender issues.

N 14 Writing grant applications (2 days)

Thursday 23 October / Friday 24 October 2024, 10am-5.30pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD students and postdocs who want to apply for grants
Trainer: Dr. Beate Scholz,
Aims: The importance of grants increases steadily. Not only for financing research but also on a personal level, when successful funded research projects contribute to a successful career. The aim of this seminar is to give orientation and information to support you in developing your own career.
Content: You will get an overview about the most important funding societies, current trends in the German and European scientific community and a tailored list of funding programs matching your needs. Further the perspective of the evaluators, practical tips for grant applications and we will simulate an application process.
Teaching method: We are working on your projects and there will be a questionnaire beforehand, so the content of the seminar is adapted to your needs. Dr. Beate Scholz has worked at the DFG for 12 years and was responsible for the section of young researchers.

Feedback from participants:

“It was a good mixture of theory and practice, we received lots of insider information, information about external grants, and about political trends“
“We got to know which traps not to fall in”

P 14 Crucial conversation (1 day)

Friday 28 November, 2024, 10am – 5.30pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: Female Scientists, Doctorands and Postdocs
Trainer: Anne Scharf,
Aims: Crucial conversations are interactions that face touchy issues. Touchy issues are: Talking to a team member, who does not keep commitments or someone behaves offensively, critiquing a boss’ work, talking to a colleague who is hording information or giving an unfavorable performance review. However, when we face crucial conversations, we can do one of three things: 1. We can avoid them, 2. We can face them and handle them poorly, or 3. We can face them and handle them well. This is what this class is about.
• How to make it safe to talk about almost everything
• How to stay focused on what you really want
• How to stay in dialogue when emotions are strong
• How to speak persuasively
• Dos and don’ts in conversations
Teaching Method: Active training and example conversations with video feedback. Participants work their own cases.

Feedback from participants:

“We worked on each participant’s specific case, discussed and gave suggestions”
“I’ve got lots of good concrete tips to remember for my everyday life”

B 15 Dual Ca#### reer Couples (1.5 days)
Friday, March 6, 2025, 11am – 7pm/ Saturday March 7, 2025, 9am – 4pm (Watch out: different times)
Where: University of Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhDs and Postdocs with your partner
Trainer: Dagmar Terbeznik,
Aims: This 1.5 day workshop provides theoretical background information about subconscious action patterns and convictions which can lead to conflicts in your own personal life as well as in the life planning with your partner. Here you will learn how to handle conflicts (non-violent communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg) and stress reduction methods using priority ranking method
Content: Two careers plus a happy relationship – this is oftentimes a difficult request. This workshop will give you short inputs on Dual career couples, role stereotypes, unconscious patterns of action and beliefs and conflict solving. The Workshop will basically be exercises for self-reflection (individual, couples and in groups). This will raise your and your partner’s awareness for questions like:
-What are my concepts of career and relationship?
-Which barriers exist when arranging two careers and how can they be taken away?
-How do I plan my future life (career and family) and how will this fit with my partner’s plans
Teaching Method:
-Lecture on theoretical backgrounds and distinctions
-Practices on cognition
-Group exercises
-Exercises for two
-Exercises for couples

Feedback from participants:

“It’s amazing that the trainer knows quite well what she’s talking about since she is the mother of four children!”
“The couples get time for concrete plannings”

C 15 Successful Negotiating and Conflict Management (2 days)

Thursday 16 /Friday 17 April, 2025, 10am – 5.30pm
Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, Room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs in all phases of their work.
Trainer: Dirk Bansch, UK,
Aims: You want to get the best out of yourself and others by using successful communication and negotiation? Learn to understand how and why our communication is sometimes lacking and acquire the means to improve your self-awareness and self-regulation skills as well as enhance your ability to deal with conflict and improve your relationships. This collaborative, light-hearted seminar combines interesting knowledge with proven, easy-to-apply tools and skills that equip you to make your working life easier and more successful.
Content: The concept of Emotional intelligence is used to understand people’s thinking and emotional patterns in workplace situations, solve pressing problems more easily, quickly and effectively, to develop strong, win-win relationships based on trust and integrity and resolve conflict within the team quickly and easily.
Negotiation skills are learned to prepare quickly and effectively for any challenging negotiation, to develop and maintain a high-trust relationship during a sensitive negotiation, to anticipate and address potential key objections and needs of their negotiation counterpart and to ensure that neither party risks losing face when a deal is agreed.
Teaching method: The event is delivered in a brain-friendly mix of presentation, individual and group exercises, and discussions.

Feedback from participants:

“I learned to approach the next negotiation with my professor more confidently because I’m prepared”
“Many dissensions bear on communication problems”


Mid-term evaluation for mentoring year 2023
It’s time to meet up again with all the groups in your mentoring year and see what’s going well and what needs to be improved.
Friday 13 June 2024, 1:30pm–7pm, Gästehaus Frauenlobstr, University of Frankfurt

Concluding celebration for mentoring year 2022
Now it’s done. Two years of mentoring in science are over and we will celebrate the accomplishment of your aims and confer your certificates.
Friday 17 October 2024, 4pm–7pm, University of Giessen

Opening seminar for mentoring year 2024
Official start for new mentees 2024. Today you will meet the professor who will be supporting you as a mentor during the two years of the programme.
Friday 14 November 2024, 10am–7pm, Frankfurt

Mentoring Start Workshops
Workshop: Introduction to mentoring, especially peer mentoring. You will get to know your peer group.
Goethe Uni Frankfurt 29.08.2024, 2–6pm, Gästehaus Frauenlobstr.
TU Darmstadt tba, 2–6pm, Karolinenplatz 5, Senat
UNI Kassel tba, 2–6pm, Mönchebergstr. 19, 4100
Philipps Uni Marburg tba, 1–6pm, Deutschhausstr.11, 01.0010
JLU Gießen will take place at Marburg, see above

Summer party for all mentees, mentors and alumni
Barbecue in a villa with a large garden in the centre of Frankfurt. Use this opportunity to network with other active mentees, former mentees who are now working in industry and science, and professors. Have fun.
Friday 11 July 2024, 5pm–9pm, University of Frankfurt, Gästehaus Frauenlobstraße 1


Our mentees are PhD candidates and postdocs within the natural sciences, life sciences and engineering and, since 2023, also humanities and social sciences. The young female scientists come from all five Hessian universities as well as research institutions such as MPI, GSI, FIAS, the Senckenberg Society and Fraunhofer Institutes. Many of our mentees are curious about a scientific career, some want to work within industry, and some are seeking guidance from the mentoring scheme at SciMento in choosing their further career path. Experience has shown that most of our mentees have the same expectations and wishes about mentoring: they wish to get in contact with other young female scientists in order to exchange knowledge and opinions about everything that matters to them. This includes solutions for living a life that combines family and career. In this respect, SciMento-hessenweit offers a platform where knowledge and experiences can be exchanged and discussed. Furthermore, you will make many new contacts which can be crucial to your further career.

Testimonials of our Mentees

The concept of SciMento is successful, as the evaluation of the first regular programme, which ran from 2018 to 2020, showed. Mentees reported that SciMento’s support was very helpful, especially in dealing with questions related to career planning, compatibility of family and career, efficient networking and in generally strengthening their self-confidence as female scientists. An external evaluation by the University of Hildesheim (Prof. Dr. Inga Truschkat and team) was able to document how the SciMento programme supports the career paths of female scientists by encouraging reflection and the solving of problems.

The following anonymised quotes are taken from that survey:

‘(For me), the first meeting with my mentor (…) was the most exciting point. We met at the opening seminar at Marburg. It was the first time for me that I could talk in private to a female professor from the natural sciences apart from subject-related topics. My mentor was open from the first moment and shared with us mentees how she had achieved her career. In doing so, she included her own family planning. It impressed me that despite her relatively young age she has already achieved so much. Through that she became kind of my role model.’
‘When I talked about my article in our meeting with the mentor (the article had been rejected twice before), our mentor supported me and emphasized repeatedly that this is a common thing to happen, but one should never give up! That impressed me and I won’t forget it. I submitted the article anew a bit later and at the end of last year, it was published!’

Further Statements of Mentees:

‘SciMento is for me the perfect complement to my PhD course. Being in the lab, doing all those interesting experiments, one often lacks the time to think about one’s own career, a postdoc job or perhaps even about a professorship. By participating in the SciMento programme it became clear to me which kind of career would be the right one for me and what I have to do to reach my aim. Of course, I have to invest time and energy, but after the experiences of the last two years, I can only say: it was absolutely worth it and moreover it was a lot of fun.’ - Jeannette Meister, Mentee in 2019-2021

‘Through my peer group at SciMento I have managed to approach the writing up phase of my PhD in a much more structured way. Because my PhD lengthened a bit due to the birth of my two children (the second was born in the middle of my writing up time), the guidelines I developed at the beginning are worth their weight in gold to keep it rolling.’ - Deborah Clever, Mentee in 2019-2021

‘>SciMento has really supported me in the application process for professorships and in the negotiations. The workshops were especially helpful. But our mentee group provided the necessary moral support. Within our meetings of the three of us, we discussed professional challenges as well as private ones. Because the balancing of private life and career, especially after a move to a new town, is not particularly easy, we three are still in contact and support each other.’ - Olivia Merkel, Mentee in 2018-2020

‘For me, the strength of the mentoring programme SciMento is particularly high in the exchange with other PhD students in the same life phase about our shared insecurities in relation to life planning. (…) Often the problems come into perspective in the framework of this exchange and the experiences of the others help me to view my own situation from a new perspective – and approach. In addition, SciMento provided the opportunity for me to acquire further professional knowledge – on the one hand because of the discipline consistent composition of the mentee groups by the SciMento team and on the other because of the big meeting events with all the mentees and professors. For me personally, I benefitted from a workshop provided by SciMento: ‘Profile and position yourself within academe’, led by Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi. It made me think for the first time about a career in academia and recognize that I had already gathered quite a lot of abilities and competencies for following this path. This workshop gave me a lot of energy, optimism and strength. Now, nearly one year after the workshop, I have finished my PhD with a very good grade and could immediately start a postdoc job. A large part of this success is down to the exchange provided within the SciMento programme, personally and professionally, and the transferred competencies.’ - Katja Heubach, Mentee in 2019-2021

Apply as mentee!

Thank you very much for your interest in SciMento-hessenweit, the group mentoring scheme for PhD students and postdocs in Hesse.

Here you can apply for the next two-year programme of SciMento-hessenweit, which will start in November 2024. Please fill in all the details correctly and completely because we need these as a basis for deciding whether you are eligible to participate in our programme.

Your personal data is treated absolutely confidentially and will not be disclosed to any third parties. We are open for applications for our new programme starting in 2024 until 31 May 2024.


Who is the target?

SciMento-hessenweit is a mentoring and training programme for doctoral students and early-career postdocs.

What are the benefits of participating in SciMento-hessenweit?

SciMento-hessenweit is an instrument to support young female scientists; it is composed of two elements, both of which are tailored to fit the special needs of young female scientists. Group mentoring provides an opportunity to network which is not often found in the direct work context. Workshops and a mentor provide additional support by transferring, not work-related knowledge, but professional skills for working in academia. Additionally, a professor is assigned to each mentee group whom the mentees will meet on a regular basis to discuss each woman’s career development. The professors are all renowned, with much experience in academia and a wide range of contacts, and are able and willing to share their accumulated knowledge about the inside structures of academia with their mentees.

Is participation in the mentoring scheme free of charge?

Participation in the mentoring scheme is free of charge but there is a small fee when attending the workshops offered during the programme.

How is SciMento-hessenweit financed?

Until the end of 2020 it was financed by the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts. From 2021 onwards, the five Hessian universities have taken over and together they finance the mentoring programme.

How long does the mentoring programme last?

The duration of the programme is two years. It starts in August each year. The amount of time needed for the regular meetings is organized in such a way that the programme can be attended alongside the participant’s scientific job.

How much time will I need to give to the two-year SciMento mentoring programme in order to successfully complete it?

The mentoring programme is based on an active exchange between mentees and their mentors. Experience has shown that mentee groups need to meet every 6 to 8 weeks in order to thrive and fulfil their purpose. Where, when and for how long you meet is a decision for your group. Every 3 to 4 months (3 to 4 times a year) your group meets your mentor. These meetings are organized by your group, thus giving you the opportunity to influence date and time. All meetings are documented by a report to show your own career development. The duration of the meetings can vary; an average is 2 hours.
SciMento also provides a professional framework programme, beginning with a half-day seminar when the programme starts in August, continuing with a full-day workshop at the official opening event in November, a half-day workshop after one year for reflection purposes and concluding with a closing event for celebration at the end of the programme. Attendance at these four events is compulsory.
In addition, SciMento offers a variety of stimulating one- and two-day workshops about career-relevant topics that are designed to support you in your personal career development and professionalization. You are free to attend as many workshops as you wish.


The mentors of the actual year 2023, from left to right: Prof. Sven Ulrich (Department of Applied Material Physics, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), Prof. Guido Spars (Ökonomie des Planens und Bauens, Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Prof. Katja Becker (Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen), Prof. Regina Vollmeyer (Institut für Psychologie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Prof. Ritva Tikkanen (Biochemisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen), Prof. Eveline Baumgart-Vogt (Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

Our mentors are experienced professors from all over Germany. Despite the fact that female professors are still underrepresented, especially within natural sciences, the number of our female mentors exceeds the male mentors. Female professors act as role models for our mentees, especially when they raise children and therefore living their way of balancing work and life, which many young women strive for as well. To support female scientists is also a personal matter for our male mentors, because they experienced through their own personal life and career that structural barriers still work more intensely for female scientists than for male ones. Lots of professors apply at SciMento to become a mentor because they want to help women in their career in order that it is easier for them to reach top positions. The mentoring helps mentors to extend their scientific network contacts and helps to strengthen their leadership skills as well as their advisory competencies. Just as mentees expand their perspectives and experiences within the mentoring process, so do mentors.

Our Mentors

The following list encompasses all professors who have been mentors for SciMento. Each year we acquire new professors from all over Germany for the new mentoring year.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Dr. Bruno Ehmann (2019)
Science Support Center

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Prof. Guido Spars (2023)
Ökonomie des Planens und Bauens

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Prof. Gerhard Gerold (2019)
Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, Abteilung Landschaftsökologie

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Wolf Aßmus (2019)
Physikalisches Institut

Prof. Beate Averhoff (2022)
Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften

Prof. Tanja Brühl (2023)
Politikwissenschaft, internationale Institutionen und Friedensprozesse, Vizepräsidentin

Prof. Paul Dierkes (2019)
Didaktik der Biowissenschaften

Prof. Petra Döll (2020, 2022)
Institut für Physische Geographie

Prof. Caterina Gawrilow (2022)
Department of Education and Human Development

Prof. Eva Herrmann (2022)
Institut für Biostatistik und mathematische Modellierung

Prof. Annette Klussmann-Kolb (2022)
Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität

Prof. Ina Koch (2023)
Molecular Bioinformatics

Prof. Rudolf Mester (2019)
Visual Sensorics and Information Processing (VSI)

Prof. Jörg Oehlmann (2018)
Department Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Prof. Sonja Rohrmann (2021)
Differentielle Psychologie & Psychologische Diagnostik

Prof. Maria Roser Valenti (2018)
Institut für Theoretische Physik

Prof. Enrico Schleiff (2018)
Institut für molekulare Biowissenschaften

Prof. Gaby Schneider (2018)
Akademische Direktorin Angewandte Mathematische Statistik

Prof. Dorothea Schulte (2020)
Edinger-Institut, Institut für Neurologie

Prof. Anna Starzinski-Powitz (2018)
Institut für Zellbiologie und Neurowissenschaften

Prof. Horst Stöcker (2021)
Institut für theoretische Physik

Prof. Jochen Triesch (2019, 2022)
Frankfurt am Main Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)

Prof. Regina Vollmeyer (2023)
Institut für Psychologie

Prof. Sabine Windmann (2022)
Institut für Psychologie

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Prof. Heiko Luhmann (2019)
Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie, Universitätsklinikum Mainz

Prof. Christa Neumeyer (2019)
Institut für Zoologie III (Neurobiologie)

Prof. Jacqueline Trotter (2022)
Molekulare Zellbiologie

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Prof. Eveline Baumgart-Vogt (2022, 2023)
Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie

Prof. Katja Becker (2023)
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie

Prof. Renate Deinzer (2020)
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie

Prof. Christian Fischer (2020)
Institut für theoretische Physik

Prof. Heike Greschke (2023)
Soziologie, Schwerpunkt Mediensoziologie

Prof. Ute-Christine Klehe (2022)
Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

Prof. Gabriele Klug (2021)
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Molekularbiologie

Prof. Birgit Lorenz (2021)
Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde

Prof. Sylvia Schnell (2019, 2021, 2023)
Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie

Prof. Bernd Smarsly (2019)
Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut

Prof. Ritva Tikkanen (2019, 2021, 2023)
Biochemisches Institut

Prof. Annegret Wilde (2020)
Mikrobiologie und Molekularbiologie

Prof. Thomas Wilke (2018)
Department of Animal Ecology & Systematics

Prof. Volker Wissemann (2019)
Institut für Botanik

MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen

Prof. Reinhard Jahn (2021, 2023)
Department of Neurobiology

Philipps-Universität Marburg

Prof. Ilka Agrikola (2020)
Mathematik und Informatik

Prof. Stefan Dahlke (2018)
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik

Prof. Stefanie Dehnen (2020)
Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Prof. Adriana del Rey (2020)
Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie

Prof. Nina Farwig (2020)

Prof. Gerhard Kost (2018, 2022)
Leiter des Fachgebiets spezielle Mykologie, Biodiversitätsforschung

Prof. Andrea Maisner (2019, 2023)
Institut für Virologie

Prof. Hans-Ulrich Mösch (2020)
Molekulare Genetik

Prof. Urs Nater (2023)
Klinische Biopsychologie

Prof. Gabriele Taentzer (2018)

Prof. Volkmar Welker (2018)
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Prof. Thomas Holstein (2019)
Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg

Prof. Joachim Kirsch (2018)
Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie der Medizinischen Fakultät

Prof. Marcus Koch (2019)
Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg

Prof. Barbara Paech (2021)
Institut für Informatik, Software Engineering

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Prof. Ralph Bruder (2019)
Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft

Prof. Gertrud Maria Haensch (2021)
Arbeitsgruppe Immunbiologie
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

Prof. Klaus Heeg (2019)
Department of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Hygiene
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

Prof. Gerhard Kraft (2018, 2022)
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Darmstadt
Prof. Mira Mezini (2018)
Software Technology Group

Prof. Felicitas Pfeifer (2018, 2020)
Microbiology and Archaea

Prof. Rolf Schäfer (2018)
Physikalische Chemie

Prof. Boris Schmidt (2019, 2020)
Organische Chemie

Prof. Gerhard Thiel (2018)
Plant Membrane Biophysics

Prof. Michael Vogel (2019)
Institut für Festkörperphysik

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

Prof. Ulrike Reutter (2021)
Institut für Mobilität & Verkehr

Universität Karlsruhe

Prof. Kerstin Gothe (2020)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institute for Project Defaults

Prof. Sören Hohmann (2020)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme

Prof. Ursula Obst (2020)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für funktionelle Grenzflächen

PD Sven Ulrich (2020, 2023)
Department of Applied Material Physics, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Prof. Rosemarie Wagner (2020)
Fakultät für Architektur, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Universität Kassel

Prof. Angelika Brückner-Foit (2018)
Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit

Prof. Dirk Dahlhaus (2019)
Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik / Informatik

Prof. Siegfried Heier (2019)
Leiter des Bereichs Windkrafttechnik

Prof. Friedrich Herberg (2018, 2020)
Abteilung Biochemie, Institut für Biologie

Prof. Bernd Scholtes (2019)
Institut für Werkstofftechnik

Prof. Monika Stengl (2019, 2021)
Institut für Biologie (Tierphysiologie)

Universität Mannheim
Prof. Mila Majster-Cederbaum (2021)
Praktische Informatik II

Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Ekkehard Ramm (2019)
Ehemaliger Institutsleiter des Instituts für Baustatik und Baudynamik

Universität zu Köln
Prof. Ute Höcker (2023)
Botanisches Institut

Prof. Carien Niessen (2018)
Cluster of Excellence in Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-associated Diseases

Testimonials of our Mentors

Our female and male mentors gain their own benefits from mentoring:

I know both sides of the programme because I was a mentee in the Frankfurt pilot programme as a junior professor. I would have profited more from the programme if I had joined it much earlier in my career in order to gain the understanding of the German ‘university’ system and research that is provided by the insider tips of experienced professors. As a foreigner in Germany I had to learn many things by trial and error. In the meantime I know that German PhD students and postdocs also have to fight with the same problems and sometimes don’t find their way through. Therefore it is extremely important that female junior scientists are pointed towards possible career paths while they are still in the PhD phase, that role models are provided and point out that this path (into professorship) is manageable. Perhaps we can make a contribution along with SciMento to get more women into higher career paths. I enjoy my role as a mentor very much and I always look forward to meeting my new mentees. (Prof. Tikkanen, University of Giessen, mentee 2015 to 2017, mentor 2019-2021 and 2021-2023)

‘In my perception as mentor in the SciMento programme, mentoring is a give-and-take and induces a constant self-reflection by the mentor. The circumstance that one is working as kind of a sparring partner with the mentee results in thinking about one’s own developed strategies and behaviours. Many times I left our meetings with the distinct feeling of having learned a lot. I can only hope that I was able to return similar knowledge.’ (Prof. Dr. Enrico Schleiff, Mentor 2018-2020)

‘SciMento gave me new and partly surprising insights into the thoughts and worries that occupy our young scientists. By working with my mentees I also gained a better feeling for my own employees. As a mentor one functions as a provider of advice and sometimes also as a provider of ideas, but it is reciprocated a lot, also in the non-scientific areas. This possibility to reflect on my own life path and my own problem-solving strategies was very good for me.’ (Prof. Dr. Joachim Kirsch, Mentor 2018-2020).

Become a mentor!

Engaged mentors are a crucial part of the success of a mentoring program. We are happy to already have many motivated professors as mentors in our program. If you are interested in supporting young female scientists on their career path and relaying your knowledge to the next generation, we would be happy to have your contact details. We will then contact you and inform you about the role of a mentor and decide together with you when you will assume your first group of mentees.


A new part of SciMento has started this year: The SciMento Network

PhD candidates and postdocs who work in Hesse and who are not quite sure yet whether they want to participate in the mentoring process, our core activity, can register for our new SciMento network. Women in industry with a PhD title are also welcomed when they work in the county of Hesse. The SciMento Network offers networking with women in similar situations and access to our high quality workshops that you can attend for only 30 € administration fee.

Your benefits

  1. Attendance in our high quality career workshops
  2. Invitation to all our networking events and career days
  3. Invitation to our summer party
  4. Member of the SciMento community


More than 130 Applications!

Until May 31, 2024 PhD Candidates and Postdocs from all over Hesse had the chance to apply for the new mentoring year starting in August 2024. SciMento proved its popularity: more than 130 applications from talented female scientists were received!

‘Gender Bias’ in research evaluation

In a report of the European Commission of 2023, in which recommendations on the improvement of research within Europe (‚European Research Area‘ (ERA)) were made, a gender bias in research evaluation is stressed:
“There is a growing body of research showing gender bias in peer-review, which creates obstacles for the career progression of women and leads to inefficiencies in the system. The issue of gender bias in evaluation takes two forms: one is related to the systematic undervaluation of women’s work and performance by panel members, the second is related to the accepted indicators of merit related to publication lists, the culture of long working hours, a high degree of international mobility, etc. There is a need to address this issue at supra-national level (e.g., EUA, EARTO, LERU, Science Europe and NORDFORSK). RPOs and RFOs need to analyse mechanisms of potential gender bias (composition of panels, gender/age stereotypes, parenthood and academic age, homosocial behaviour, etc.) and take concrete measures to eliminate gender bias from research assessments in career promotions and grant evaluations.” (Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (2023). Recommendations on the Implementation of the ERA Communication by Member States and by the European Commission Report of the Expert Group 2023, p. 43)

Cover image: © Anton Balazh, #41572179, 2022. Source:

Workshop H 14 Coach Yourself to Confidence (2 days)

Thursday, August 21 and Friday August 22, 2024, 10am – 5.30pm

Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs in all phases of their work.
Trainer: Dirk Bansch, UK,
Aims: This hands-on, interactive seminar which includes many immediately applicable techniques, inspiring ideas and fun exercises will allow you to strengthen your confidence, expand your comfort zone and create new positive habits. It is well established that most women’s self-esteem and self-confidence nosedives during their school years. Coupled with negative influences from the media and societal expectations many women’s self-confidence is lower than their male colleagues for no reason. It is important to realise that in the 21st century, the traditionally female qualities of self-awareness, empathy, listening, social skills, etc. are an asset and need to be seen as an advantage, not a detriment. According to Daniel Goleman (Author of the book: Emotional Intelligence (1996)) ‘For leadership positions, emotional intelligence competencies account for up to 85% of what sets apart outstanding managers from the average.’
Content: We will be exploring how and why we sometimes feel less confident than we would like to, and we will discover ways to have more control over our feelings and reactions. The confidence triad of emotions, self-talk, and posture will be covered, and we will also learn about our self-image, our limiting beliefs and the skill of learned optimism. We are not born with a lack of confidence, we learn it through our experiences. In this seminar, we will coach ourselves how to take back control.
Teaching method: The event is delivered in a mix of presentations, individual and group exercises and discussions.

Workshop F 14 How to design scientific figures (1 day)

Friday 18 July 2024, 10am-5.30pm

Where: Frankfurt University, Senckenberganlage 31-33, 9th floor, room 9.60
Target Participants: PhD Candidates and postdocs who would like to know how to design scientific figures.
Trainer: Dr. Susanne Mükusch,
Aims: What is the first thing we scientists look at in scientific articles or on posters? It’s the figures.
But they are not only eye-catchers: they also convey information in a density words could never reach. Because figures are so powerful in communicating scientific data, extra care should be taken when designing them. Good design helps to create intuitively understandable figures, while bad design obscures their meaning. In this workshop you will learn basic but crucial design rules and how to apply these to your figures. This knowledge will enable you to communicate your research in the most effective way.
Content: With the help of many examples Dr. Susanne Mükusch will demonstrate what works and what doesn’t in figure design. By explaining the ways of how our brains perceive visual information, common pitfalls will be discussed and useful guidelines will be taught. Topics covered include the optimal use of color, visual layering, the use of labels and arrows as well as the appropriate choice of data representation.
These universal concepts can be transferred to all kinds of scientific figures – from maps, diagrams or plots to schematic visualizations. You can bring your own figures or, alternatively, a figure from your field. We will work with these, giving you the opportunity to apply your new theoretical knowledge directly to improve your diagrams.
Methods: You will have the opportunity to specify your needs in a questionnaire beforehand and requests will be incorporated in the workshop as much as possible. During the workshop short and interactive lectures provide the theoretical […]

Vortrag von Dr. Peter Modler

So nicht, Mann.
Kommunikationsbarrieren zwischen Frauen und Männern
Anders als die meisten Frauen setzen viele Männer Sprache und Gestik als Machtinstrument und Mittel für Revierverhalten ein. Diesen Machtdemonstrationen begegnet Frau am besten mit Arroganz – nicht als Haltung, sondern als Werkzeug. Seine erstaunlichen Erkenntnisse zeigt der Unternehmensberater, Buchautor und Coach Dr. Peter Modler ( am 16. Juli 2024 mit Hilfe vieler Beispiele, in dem typische Situationen aus dem Berufsleben auf der Bühne nachgestellt werden. Bei Konflikten im beruflichen Umfeld unterliegen Frauen häufig, z.B. in Sitzungen, bei unsachlichen Angriffen, bei Nichtanerkennung der Vorgesetzten-Rolle, bei schlechterer Bezahlung usw.

In enger Kooperation zwischen dem Graduiertenkolleg GRK1384 Gießen-Marburg-Moskau und SciMento-hessenweit ist es nun schon zum zweiten Mal gelungen, den viel beschäftigten Erfinder des „Arroganzprinzips“ für einen Vortrag zu gewinnen. Die Vorträge sind interaktiv, d.h. dass Peter Modler laufend kleine typische Szenen aus Büro- oder Besprechungsräumen darstellt und dazu auch das Publikum einbezieht. Sehr gern greift er dabei auch Fälle auf, die aus dem Publikum vorgeschlagen werden. Meistens kommt es nach Abschluss der Veranstaltung zu angeregten Diskussionen.
Mittwoch, 16. Juli, 17 bis 19 Uhr, in der Aula der JLU Gießen, Anmeldung hier.

Vortragsreihe an der Uni Kassel

An der Universität Kassel startet am 23. April 2024 die Vortragsreihe „Genderforschung in die MINT-Fächer“ mit einem Vortrag von Dr. Sybille Bauriedl zum „Geschlechterperspektiven in der Umwelt- und Klimaforschung“. Im Laufe des Sommersemesters werden dort sechs interessante Vorträge gehalten. Klicken Sie hier auf den Flyer, um mehr zu erfahren.

April 16th, 2024|Categories: Allgemein|Tags: MINT-Fächer, Uni Kassel, Vortrag, VortragsreiheRead

A unique opportunity for networking with European young researchers

The project «Roche Continents» is part of the Roche commitment to contemporary culture and invites 100 undergraduates, doctoral candidates and postdocs aged 20 to 30 from across Europe to participate in the Salzburg Festival.

Dr. Simona Ceccarelli, Program Director explains: ‘Project participants will not only attend concerts and hear talks by guest speakers, they will also be able to join discussions with artists and take part in group workshops, exploring the common ground of innovation and creativity in the arts and science. There will be plenty of opportunity to make new contacts in a lively and inspiring atmosphere.’

A mentee of SciMento was lucky and participated in 2023:

‘I was selected as one of the 100 students across Europe to be part of the ‘Roche continent’ event this summer, which was created by the pharmaceutical company Roche to explore the common ground of creativity and innovation in the arts and science. This was an extraordinary, unforgettable and very challenging event, in the beautiful city of Mozart’s hometown, Salzburg, during the world-famous Salzburg festivals. During one week I made 99 new friends from the fields of science, arts and music, exchanging and discussing our ideas and our passion in our respective fields, learning about contemporary music, and at the same time enjoying myself so very much. It was a once in a lifetime experience created in an enchanting city with great, young and brilliant people from different places and different backgrounds, with lots of music, lots of laughter, lots of fun and many opportunities to be creative together and leaving this place filled with beautiful memories, which will last forever.’
Thuvaraka Thuvayogarajah (Mentee 2022-2024)

ESOF-conference – register now!

We want to inform you about ‘ESOF‘ (Euroscience Open Forum) which is organised since 2014 and is hosted every 2 years by a different European city. You can register now and benefit from the early bird discounts.
“ESOF’s uniqueness is its dual European and national structure. ESOF is European, as it brings together people from all over Europe and is hosted in different European cities, and yet ESOF is also very national and local, flavouring its events with a national and local touch. Hence whilst being the European event par excellence, ESOF is unique every time through being rooted in a national and local culture.” (
From June 21 to 26, 2024 the outstanding ESOF conference takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 2014 this conference takes place every second year and in different interesting European towns. Until April 22, 2024 you will benefit from an early bird price when registering.
The ESOF conference is aimed at young researchers.

Here you will find the testimonial from our mentee Dr. Susanne Mükusch, who attended last year:
‘Euroscience, the European organizer of ESOF promotes the topic of science in Europe and its future. In addition to talks from high-ranking scientists, there will be panel discussions, workshops and more about policy science and society, education and science communication. There is also a fair where publishers, institutions and organizations present themselves as well as the inviting town that offers a large variety of framework events (science in the city). There will be an ESOF party, which is highly recommended. In Dublin the band ‚U2‘ played for 3 hours undercover. Not to mention that most scientists weren’t aware of it. Never mind.
The conference has 400 attendees and therefore quite big. You can meet really […]

Summer party for all mentees, mentors and alumnae

We would like to draw your attention to our summer party which will take place on Friday, July 11 2024.
Barbecue in a villa with big garden in downtown Frankfurt. Use this opportunity to network with other active mentees, former mentees who work now in industry and science and professors.
When and Where? Friday, 11 July 2024, 5pm – 9pm, University of Frankfurt, Gästehaus Frauenlobstr. 1, 60487 Frankfurt/ Main

Apply now for 2024

Now you can apply for our mentoring program. Until May 31 we accept your application for our new mentoring year which starts in August. As a female PhD student or female Postdoc working at one of the 5 Hessian universities or at an associated research institution such as Senckenberg Gesellschaft, GSI, MPI, Paul Ehrlich Institute or FIAS, you can apply here by filling in the application form. That’s all you have to do. We will invite you for a personal interview in April. We are looking forward to accompanying you on your career path by providing extensive help for your decision about your successful professional future.


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Senckenberganlage 31-33
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Fon: 069-798 49442
Fax: 069-798 763 49442
Mail: info(at)